Monday, 1 November 2010

Texas chainsaw massacre opening sequence

The opening title sequence for the film Texas chainsaw massacre follows many codes and convention for a thriller film. Such as it is similar to the film se7en as it has pictures in that hint clues to the storyline to create suspense.

The editing in this film is slow to build up suspense along with the music. Although it has a slow pace there is quite a lot of fast editing between shots and black screens to also create suspense. There are many close ups in the sequence to show action of the characters but the audience do not see the character’s face as it builds suspense and mystery.
A Steadicam is used however the camera does not actually stay still, it is constantly moving but only slightly as if it is scrolling across. The slowness of this movement creates tension for the audience about what will happen next.

The music is instrumental. It is slow and builds up a pace. This creates suspense for the audience and keeps them gripped to what is happening.

The type looks handwritten in a scrawl on a chalk board to make it look archaic. This makes it stand out as different.

All of this builds tension and suspense for the audience so much so it is like they do not want to go on watching the film but know they can not walk away.

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